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发布时间: 2024-05-17 10:02:49北京青年报社官方账号

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"California State Association of Counties continues to be concerned about the lack of clarity in the Boise decision, and the potential risk for counties given the significant room for interpretation of the decision," said Executive Director Graham Knaus.

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"China Baowu is not only China's largest steel-maker, but also a pioneer in state-of-the-art technology application. Exploring the possibilities of yuan-denominated settlement via blockchain is a new proof," said Zhang.

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"Central banks will remain crucial to safeguarding the stability of global financial markets and maintaining the flow of credit to the economy," Tobias Adrian, the financial counsellor and director of the IMF's Monetary and Capital Markets Department, said Tuesday at a press briefing.


"By monitoring oil pipelines, the satellites can raise an alarm and point out locations if anything like an oil leakage or theft occurs. They can also be used to monitor ocean shipping and other logistics," said Xie Tao, founder and CEO of Commsat.


"China is one of SABIC's core strategic markets, and we are committed as a partner to helping elevate China's sustainable development and inclusive growth, while reinforcing SABIC's development prospects here," he said, adding that SABIC is committed to contributing to economic exchanges between the two sides through continuous investment in China.


